Hmm....dem tired! just finished packin' my stuffs. petang ni angkut sume balik umh. tomorrow gotta do the LDO steps (Last Day Office). Hence, figure i'll ne pretty busy tomorrow. dak2 opis lak nak throw a farewell party. Hmm... dem! I hate goodbyes. Never good at it. I hate gettin' all emotional with friends and colleagues and acquaintances. Dgn bf xpe. Best. Hahaha…..
They started calling me Puan. Geez…poyos gile! Dem! It’ll be hard to leave them. 2 years together-gether. Dr Cyberjaya ke TPM. So many things changed. So many things happened. And I have to admit, I’ve become attached to them. Huhuhu…
Mcm xpercaya pun ada…aku leaving ASTRO.... berjuta kali aku bgtau kawan2 aku yg I’m quitting but it just never happen. Hehe.. so kepada sesiapa yg slalu gelakkan aku bile aku cakap cmtu, haa…this time it will be for real. Ahahaha…
Things really happened for reason. Sometimes we got to know what the reasons are but most of the times it’s beyond our comprehension, tp yg aku tau, kalo aku dapat this offer lebih awl, aku xdapat bonus. Hahahahah.
Thanks again to family,kengkawan yg memberi semangat.
1 month ago
bertemu dan berpisah adat manusia...sayonara..jupe di umah:)
ReplyDeletehai puan PTD.. he he he he...
ReplyDeletenak saiiiiiiinnnnnnnn...
insan: ayat cm sedih tp last2 jupe kt umah...hehe...
ReplyDeletestingray: sain otograph ke?xde artis dah tempat baru...hehehe...ganti aku kerja ASTRO la