"tangkap Cipan tu!" aku pon braced myself and posed ala2 seorg Matador. mane tah asal usul sekor anak cipan ni. tibe2 je sesat masuk umah. kalo ular masuk, tandanya kite n umah tu xkekal lama,xpon tu jin noti yusry. kalo rama2, nak kene pinang ler anak dara dlm umah tu. alahai,mase aku kecik2 dulu, rama2 masuk mulut,sampai skang aku xkawen2. ke tu kupu2 yg aku ngap??? whatever la. so cipan tu....tetbe die pusing ke arah aku berlari2 anak cipan smbil tersenyum (i swear it did). aku terkesima melihat senyumannya n froze...menanti impact yg pasti menyakitkan...
my whole body jerked!i felt like falling slowly,endlessly....then mate aku terbukak...ok. mcm bagus nyer mimpi...but the sound was real i think...aku mengintai dr tingkap. OK, Tumblebug aku safe n sound asleep kt depan umah..my housemate's ride also selamat kt porch. mesti kt lorong sebelah rumah. teringat aku kt kazen Monggol aku yg pernah mencalarkan body solid Tumblebug yg di parked kt lorong gelap itu. siot jek ko kazen. macam la xmuat tho ade kete or SUV parked at the side. CRV lalu pon lepas jek. bukan takat tu, van oren sekolah pon leh lepas...mcm la neo ko tu besar Hummer...naseb ko jiwa kaco time tu...hehehe.
so that's how my day started out yesterday. Startled n stunned. bunyik lori pikap hon2 smbil jual tilam or "old newspaper" aku dah immune.
then bile tgk Melodi baru tingat it was Father's Day! dah la ati tgh sedih sebab WW3 nearly started coz i dunno how to accept no for an answer... so ati ni trus sayu tingatkan Ba..
"Happy Father's Day Ba! u r the best father i cud hev hoped 4!love u!"
that was my sms to Ba. mane penah aku ckp ala2 cmtu ngn Ba. malu ler. Time induction kt IKHWAS, en. Joe, our faci for that day bg 1 ceramah yg sgt menginsafkan (sekejap). Dunno samada aku penah cite kt sini or not but i'll tell again anyway. he asked;
"pernah x kamu tanpa sebab khusus, cium n pelok ibu n ayah kamu and cakap Terima Kasih? selain Hari Raya tu sume.tak? kenapa? malu?segan??. tetapi pada pasangan kamu, kamu ucapkan Terima Kasih Sayang hanya di atas pemberian sekuntum bunga ros merah, padahal bunga itu akan layu pada keesokan harinya, sedangkan pemberian ibu n ayah xpernah layu dimamah masa"
wahhhh makan dalam tu baiii! pedihnya hingga menikam kalbu...bisanya...so time tu banyak la kedengaran bunyi batuk2 cover. then biler berkumandang lagu Ayah dan Ibu bersama video cesarean delivery, time tu trus srooottt! srooottt! kiri kanan depan blakang. yg laki cover macho...pigi daaa.
So that day, Ba replied;
"tq for that"
hehe...Ba being Ba, it was more than enough 4 me. ye la..selalu juz Tq or OK. this time 3 words. n my day was simply beautiful. tambah2 WW3 pon xjadi, ye la...sejuk jek perot nibile nampak rupa...cmne nak marah...hehehe. cian...tgh2 hari remang, peloh2, datang gak memujuk.....that tiny weeny miny white flower ada lg i simpan tau!
.......tp aku xucap tenkiu pon.hahahaha. well u did say to me,
"tak semua bende perlu diucap dgn kata2....."
1 month ago
i pon nak white flower tuh..sob..sob..
ReplyDeletehehe...kt 'garden' depan umah kite tu ade byk...help urself...hehe