too many things hepen dis week n left me totally blurred. it started with the shocking news of my friend's untimely death on Monday...eh..xleh cakap untimely coz dah mmg ajal...maybe bcoz i know he had so many plans and things to do. well...what's meant to be is meant to be. Semoga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org yg beriman. as for me, no Tioman dis year n no more 'Somethin' Stupid' with him. truth be told, i'll miss his forthright and frank ways. i'll never forget those sound advices he gave me and the times when he was there to support me.m soooo sorry i never got the chance to tell him what he had been askin' for quite sometimes. but, it's immaterial now. rest in peace bro!
Tuesday sempat la berehat jap. then Wednesday, my bro told me Ba admitted. kt Pantai Bangsar. so i took half day off. ponteng jek meeting on CLG. biar la dato',datin,prof,dr tu sume wat keje sendiri. even the scrumptious lunch that was provided pon aku biarkan jek.
DarkSky pon half day. we went to the hospital and were scanned for fever. after was cleared from the threat of swine flu, we were given a sticker. aku rase mcm ayam daging diskaun time jcard day.warne purple so 50%. sape nak????
My dad OK thank god. cume BP ada sikiiiiit naek. the next day the doc will conduct the pressure test. so lepak la smpai malam. tp bukan lepak kt bilik, lepak kt startbuck....adoyaiiii....kopak la aku. dah la gaji xmasuk2 lg.
then memandangkan Ba ok jek n ramai yg datang, Darksky fetched me n we went to the movie. Transformers baiii..pas movie trus blk. xkuasa aku nak melepak2.xde mood.letih.ditambah lak ngn ratusan manusia n ada yg berperangai mcm bagus n memanaskan ati seolah2 ada batu api.
Thursday after work,went to Jusco Equine. beli baju for Ba as Doc wont release him. so bought him 2 t-shirts, track bottom, socks etc... baju tu cun what...can be considered as baju raya la ek Ba..hehe... Fri day baru boleh. aku syak tektik Doc je ni tau. tp xpe la.So pegi la Spital. this time alone. Darksky pulang utk meneruskan dengkurannya. pas scan for swine flu again, aku xtrus naek bilik,aku usha Starbuck. Saheh! mmg kt sana. Aci,Om n Ba. aku pon teringin sakit cmni.
Today time lunch i called Ucik. Doc wont release my dad lg. Sugar level lak naek. byk songeh lak doc ni.saje nak tahan. dah 4 hari dah kt Pantai.bil usah cite. 4 pressure test pon mau 2k.ditambah lg ngn 3 hari melantak kt Starbuck. kesian la kt sy doc...sugar sy pon naek da minum ice blended jek hari2...huhu
SO after work today, xle la sesi lepak2...shoot trus ke spital stabaq pantai.
so aku blurrrrrr.......sok nak p melaka pon xde mood. sesi shoppin2 with sista2 pon put on hold lu until Ba is released.
1 month ago
kesian sungguh ngan mySista ni...nk g melaka nk ikut??hehehe...busanlah lepak sorg2 dis week..nnt kalu free ajak reramai pi umah akak k...kita main masak2...hehe
ReplyDeletehaha...cm best jek maen masak2!leh la turunkan ilmu.hehe..ilmu ape?itu kite x tahu ...hehe