Friday, September 4, 2009

Ini Jalan Bukan Kau Yg Punya!

Balik Raya Fever is nearing. And so is another chapter of long-hours stucked in traffic jams, accidents and all sort of things that test the limit of our patience and tolerance. Those listed down below, please bear in mind that those highways, federal roads, lorong-lorong dan denai-denai, adalah hak milik bersama!

Road Hoggers

What can I say…I just hate ‘em!!! When you are driving on the highway @ 110kmh (?) on the right lane and then you had to hit on the brake just because the car in in front is too dense to understand that lane is for overtaking or emergency and NOT for cruising leisurely @ 80kmh!!! Not when the other lane is clear for you to continue your ‘makan angin’. Come on la…stop being so selfish. To make the matter even worse, tu diaa..tengah dok bersayang-sayang dengan awek kat handphone. Instantly, 9 naga aku keluaq. Hangennnn... Because of these inconsiderate fellas, I’ve become a tailgater (which I hate!), flashing hi-beam like crazy and if that still fail, I blare my honked! Please la…I hate honking people.


Owh yes…these people really gets on my nerves. Say, @ the 3-lane highway, m driving in the middle, another car is overtaking me albeit slowly. Fine. In the rear-mirror I could see a fierce looking red BMW is coming on really fast n flashing it’s light to the overtaking car beside me, signaling the driver ‘get-out-of-my-way’. Eh hello Mr. BMW, ko buta ke ape? That fella is trying to overtake me. Wait je la. But whatever. Not my prob. Then why I hate this type of driver? Haa…when that BMW is flashing his lights, and honking like mad, the driver in front of him gets panic or really disturb, tambah-tambah kalo awek baru dapat lesen or kete baru. So, that driver will swerve into my lane with just ngam2 gap between our cars. Whadda heck! Bahaya siot! Tau la your car canggih,canggun,aku terliur tengok, but there's no call for rudeness. Even if you look like Shah Rukh, sikit pon aku xhengen if that's how you are! That’s 1 of the hundreds reasons why I just hate those tailgaters. I hate road hoggers coz they made me into a tailgater which I hate!

Mat Rempit

Need to be said more on these inebriate fools? Bazir ATP di bulan Ramadhan jek...Buat malu kaum je.

Drivers who don’t indicate

Eh, hello! What does indicator means? Masa test JPJ pandai lak pakai kan pakai. It’s not that hard to flick on the indicator. Tak luak pon kehenseman n kemachoan korg. It’s really bugging me. You want to change lane, nak cilok gua, ok, gua tak kesah. But bagi la signal. Then, dengan berat hati aku akan bagi jalan coz at least you are considerate enough to warn me of your ciloking. If the road is devoid of any cars that could cause accident then if you want to zig-zagging the lanes pon nobody cares.

Drivers slow down to watch accidents

1 word comes to mind when it comes to these people- VULTURES! Yep... I wonder if these guys get a sudden flush of adrenalin seeing others' misfortune or misery. If not, then why are they gawking and slowing their cars unnecessarily and causing another bout of congestion? Eh hello Makcik! Move la. Don’t cause another accident. ingat tu free show ke?? Maybe they are too caring… wanting to see if everything is OK. But, weird thing is, they don’t stop to help. If they do, then it’s humanitarian indeed. It’s hard to find Good Samaritan these days. But usually, that is rarely the case…

Drivers braking without any reason

Stop braking unnecessarily. It’s annoying. Tak pasal-pasal aku jadi gelabah ingat emergency brake. If the traffics are heavy, then drive slowly. Bukan tailgating the car in front. Ko nak laju camne time congested camtu?? When they tailgate, mula la membrek dan aku akan jadi stark raving mad!

Drivers who have no clue on speed limit

What are speed limits for? If you are ignorance of the reasons then don’t drive until you have an idea. But if you know but couldn’t care any less then you are a disgrace. They are reason why the authority puts up 60kmh, 80kmh, and 110kmh at various locations. They take into account the terrains, road conditions, climate and other factors that contribute to traffic safety. Those drivers, who can’t read the sign, are putting others at risk. 1 accident that caused by hydro-skidding can lead up to a massive pile-up! Last week, on my way to work, as I exited the SKVE and went into the road leading to Putrajaya, which is nearly a 360 degree turn, a car, Kelisa, was in the middle of the road, badly damaged. Luckily there was a police present, signaling us to keep away and slow down. So the car in front of me managed to slow down and steer clear of the Kelisa. I was driving slowly at that time as it was raining and the road was slippery, so did the cars behind me. Alhamdulillah, all of us escape unscathed. So, to those mulish drivers, mind the speed limit!

Road Ragers

Sempena hari baik bulan baik, maaf-maaf la sikit2 tu. You got personal problem? Who doesn’t? awek ko curang? Ko curang la balik. Go and vent your anger elsewhere. Not on the road and definitely on the other drivers. You think you are too big too bagus? You got connection with Along Bukit Beruntung? Aku keturunan ke 7 Daeng Perani. Raja Siam pon kalah dengan dia. You 'Pedaki' members? You got ayah? I got ayah also....Who cares! You mess with me, me cabut.. Gila ape nak tungguLariiiii…..

Driver/passenger who litter

Zero civic awareness. Fine. But when you drive in front of me and start throwing out things without any thought of people behind you, memang ko nak kene maki kan? If in your youth, you represent the state in discus throw @ the Olimpik, fine la. Tak de la kete aku tu bermandikan sos keropok lekor. Ini lawan gusti tangan ngan budak tadika pon belum tentu menang.... 1 thing if they throw out food, and entirely different thing if the are smoking like the Fire Dragon of the East then throw out the cigarette butts, yang masih berbara2 kelepek kene kereta aku… hahaha… memang membara aku! You wanna die, fine by me, keep on smoking till your internal organs rot and fester with maggots and and your external organs got infected with gangrene and fall off! Lantak ko la labu. But when you throw that disgusting and sickening thing out and somehow it landed on other people’s vehicle, ko memang bangang. End of story.

So safely, don't be reckless and dont be a victim. Please visit "Malaysians Unite for Road Safety 09.09.09" and pledge. You can be the start of that change!


  1. waaa.. suka wat entri panjang2 ek? ehehe

  2. hehe..skali sekala buat...biar puas.

  3. wa...bagus2 entry ni.mcm INSAF je aku
    nayway da pledge ke?
    saya sudah..hehehe

  4. sy arini baru nk pledge. sbb tgu tarikh cun cun. nak kawen or tunang xdpt,pledge roadsafety je la...hehehe
