Monday, February 23, 2009

CIPAN: The Story of Hypocrisy or Just Good ol’ Manner

One fine day, Cipan Suci was minding her own business, going about doin’ what she does best, daydreaming. Then suddenly a wounded, confused Cipan Tanah, which lives nearby, came and started sprouting nonsense which stung Cipan Suci badly, instigating the wrath of nature upon Cipan Tanah, which none of the fellow rakyat of the Magical Black Forest of Kinyaya ever seen before..

You see..They have been living in harmony till that fateful day. So it doesn't make any sense this sudden death, eh, attack upon one of the resident of the forest. Creatures of the forest always hold on to the Divine Code which ' Thou Shall Not Disgrace Thy Fellow Creature'..

Insulted and shocked, Cipan Suci used her famous Fury Swipes to defend herself. They karate-kicked, silambamming with each other till fatigue won them over… Since then Cipan Suci and Cipan Tanah spaced out from each other…to make it short they’ve decided to make up and start over again…

The thing is… Cipan Suci forgave but never forgets. So now when they two met, they smiled and talked and laughed. But is it sincere? Or is Cipan Suci a hypocrite or just being polite? Hiding the Mask of Madness under the layers of good manners?

So orange-shirt-ed boy…whadaya think of this cipan story?

MORAL OF THE STORY…think before u say anything..words,once uttered have life of its own, it cuts deeper than the Colorado river through Grand Canyon, it lasts longer than the color of Wella on a butt-ugly hair.

Guess now Cipan Tanah won’t consider Cipan Suci suci nice anymore..Well guess what, Cipan Suci will try to be nicer ... if Cipan Tanah try to be smarter. That’s why Cipan Tanah shouldn’t let his emotion went amok or his mind wander around coz they are too small to be let out on its own. Hahaha what a joke!

Isk isk isk…sadistic streak is taking over me....


  1. anybody do a mistake..but think smarter before doing sumthing will or kill urself~

  2. err is human but dat does not excuse us from doin' sumthin utterly stupid
