Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aku and Astro...

Last night planned to cook but En.Balakong already left Kinrara, so I and DarkSky decided to eat out. The thing I hate ‘bout that is that if we can’t decide on where to go, we gonna end up at mamak…huhuhu… Nak pergi TGI, cam xbest jek kalau xberjemaah ramai2. Eit Cipan Oren, cepat la…kate nak blanja.

So after lepak jap depan TV, DarkSky pon arrived. I grabbed my wallet,phone, keys and everything that’s within my reach coz I don’t feel like slinging my bag tonite, and quickly went out. We decided to go to Piccadilly @ Dataran Millenium.
On the way, I showed him pamphlets on Samsung Mobile Phone Fair @ Astro. Really cheap dowh! But OK, he’s not interested. Then, somewhere along the way, I noticed a foreign object on the dashboard. I was lookin’ at it for a long time tryin’ to make some sense out of it. Unable to utter a single word, I just point at the object to DarkSky …..

‘awat chek? Nak p tukaq channel kt kedai makan ka?’

Die punya renggah gelak toksah nak cerita la. Sakit perot aku gelakkan diri aku gak. Adeh….punya la excited nak kuar makan sampai mende yang lagi panjang dr wallet aku pon aku rembat skali. The thing is, I switched on the light when I was showing him the pamphlets but never notice the darn thing...adeh makin tua kah aku??

To make the matter even more hilarious, my housemate, Insan a.k.a cipan parit, sms me at that exact moment and ask for the remote!

Even Briyani Maharaja with its scrumptious Chicken Curry, cooked with cashew nut and cream and taste like out of this world, garlic naan that is soft and crunchy @ the same time and Chicken Tikka marinated in special sauce, served with mint Sauce, cannot keep DarkSky from laughing @ me whenever we happened to glance @ the big screen..huhu

Just as we arrived in front of the house, my other housemate, saya_busan, sms and asked the remote whereabout too...


...another big laugh from DarkSky!


  1. ahha..semlm tergelak sesorang dpn tv..opss..:)

  2. serious...cmne leh xperasan bwk mende alah tu keluar pon xtau la...hahaha

  3. adusssss.......

    pertama kali aku dapat tahu kes camni...tahu la keja astro...haha


  4. meriah ko gelakkan aku eh? hehehe...malus malus
