Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Kushi (Happiness)

Cipan Happy
Alhamdulillah…. Tu je aku mampu ucapkan ketika ni.

Just got back from a brief meeting with boss. My appraisal result is ready. Got a lil bit increment and 4 months backdated performance bonus. Now boleh la aku setelkan segala hutang kete kt my dad and clearkan balance Gold Visa aku hahaha macam bagus lak…bukan apa... My Dad da bising tu. Then aku nk terminate card tu. Then kalo terdesak cmne? Haa...tu la guna adenye laki, bukannya totally the opposite. Hidup perlu bijak..hahaha... biler mase aku berlaki tah.

So…dah ade rezki lebih ni, moga2 aku rajin menyimpan. Nak kawen dowh! Hahaha… Find a nice guy (agak2 cam dah jupe jek keke) and settle down, raise a family and be happy hopefully. I’m so damn lucky! Don’t cha think so?

Muat 1 MPV ( xde la...)
No wonder yesterday aint got the mood to work. So I MC and just chill at home smpai terlebih chill…hahaha…aku suke! Best experience to date!!!!! Then I went out to a Chinese Muslim restaurant @ KJ. Sedap dowh die punya Ying Yong. Aku sebat jek. Then went to Cineleisure and watched Coming Soon, a Thai ghost story. Seram gak especially part Chaba kene gantung. When you r happy and you watch a ghost movie, you wont get the eerie feelin’ coz u r just too damn happy! Dah brapa kali aku mention happy ek??

Biler dah terlebih happy, sok lusa aku menangis la ni…tp xpe. Asalkan aku happy today!

I was sooo happy the whole day. Now I’m happy too…

…Sbb aku nak shopping and hev a nice dinner and just bask in the glory of the happiness!!!! yeahaaaa


  1. wahh aku pon terasa happy bila membaca ni.. sok lusa aku akan menangis. tp xpe. asal aku happy today (pinjam ayat ko).. hahahha

  2. Happiness is fleetin' kite Njoy!

  3. pehhh....dasat-dasat...meriah la ko...

    ha ha ha...

    nak tukar keja lah....busan da gaji sekarang... =}

  4. me hepi gak..wpon tgh miskin nih..sib ade org tlg sponsor.~

    owh..nk kawen ye..jgn lupe jemput..wehehe

  5. StingRay: aku keje mcm cipan bangla kt sini 2 tahun. so its overdue syukur2

    insan: haha...tgu yg senior kawen dulu ok.

  6. seram gile kan cite coming soon tu..aku yg berani ni pn jadi penakut lps tgk....hahaha

  7. try imagine muka chaba, sure xle tido malam keke

  8. Azam: aik udah nengok ya?xckp pon

    KakiTangan: uish...watpe imagine muka chaba,baik cite imagine kite g camping.
