Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ilham Tiba...

Just got back dari Theaterette 1. Bukan dari Studio 1 cm kat Astro Ria tu tho dekat2 je. Today, AJK Surau Astro (yes, Astro ade surau OK) invited Ust. Farhan. He’s a convert. Used to be a high ranking priest back in Borneo. His father was the chief priest for 12 churches there. Now he’s a Tahfiz. Took him 2 years and 8 months to memorize the entire Al-Quran. Aku? Dah 26 tahun, bace Yasin pon kadang2 ke laut… the place is full with only a couple of people were standing. Yang menghairankan, last week, HR held a roadshow at the same place, to talk about new pay system, I couldn’t squeeze in pon. Packed, jammed, and crammed. Tp ape nak hairan… ASTRO… where half the fun is off the screen. Macam2 adaaa….

So, back to the story. Ust. Farhan talked about the challenges he faced, what need to be done propagate Islam and how to stop the threat of apostasy. Then he talked about mencari ketenangan… merah jap muka aku bile die cakap ‘ nak ketenangan , dok kt pantai buat ape? Tenung2 apa? Cari2 apa? X datang tenangnya…’ hahaha… so true. Kadang2 kite tanpa sedar terikut2 cara orang… baiklah aku dok umah baca Quran… memang aku lalai…

So I got me a new resolution. Hope this time I’ll stick to it. Semoga Allah beri kekuatan kepada aku.


  1. alhamdullilah syukur nikmat....(sila sambung)

  2. malaysiya (sebut dgn sebutan dhar)maju rakyat selamat.....

  3. agak lambat kan seruan tu smpai? tp xpe... biar lambat asal selamat...
